Dickerson City FL

While there are no statistics for Dickerson City, FL’s poverty rate, its residents are generally affluent compared to the national average. Those who are poor are most likely to be white, but Black people, Native Americans, and those with low incomes are not far behind. The Census Bureau uses a set of income thresholds to determine poverty. To be considered poor, your total household income must be less than the threshold. This applies to all family members, not just to children. Next article

The city is located on the Gulf Coast, on Pensacola Bay. Dickerson City FL is a military and beach town. Temperatures are pleasant from October to April. August is the most humid time of the year. Dickerson City FL has a population of 53 people. It is the only city in Florida to have no more than one million people. The city is a former military base, but its current military presence gives it a college town feel. A fantastic read

The Viasat satellite internet provider offers the fastest speeds in Dickerson City FL, previously reserved for metropolitan areas. With speeds of 12 to 100 Mbps, Viasat internet provides high-speed internet and Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP). It can also connect to Wi-Fi devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. So, Dickerson City FL residents can enjoy their high-speed internet service with a minimal amount hassle.

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Dickerson City, FL. We compiled a quick list here.

Point Of Interest #1 Calvert’s in the Heights 670 Scenic Hwy, Pensacola, FL 32503, United States

Point Of Interest #2 Carson’s Pawn Shop Inc 2706 N Pace Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32505, United States

Point Of Interest #3 Springhill Missionary Baptist Church 1200 W Jackson St, Pensacola, FL 32501, United States

Point Of Interest #4 Landmark Dental Care 611 E Burgess Rd, Pensacola, FL 32504, United States

Point Of Interest #5 Bark Park at Bill Dickerson Park 3151 Fenceline Rd, Pensacola, FL 32507, United States