Andrea Harris
Licensed Massage Therapist
Introducing the newest Licensed Massage Therapist to the Henry Chiropractic Team: Andrea!
Although she is new to the scene, her extensive training, knowledge, and hands on experience makes her stand out and shine! She graduated from FIU with a Bachelor’s degree in recreational therapy. While in school, she fell in love with the human body, its function, and overall health. She believes in the holistic approach to quality of life, and wants to help others achieve that goal. She continued her education at PSC and graduated Summa Cum Lade from the massage therapy program and is certified in Swedish massage, sports massage and trained in deep tissue, NMT, prenatal, and cupping. She is passionate about her work and is ready to assist her patients achieve their desired quality of life; pain free and happy.
When this Florida girl is not in the office, you can find her at the beach surfing or roller skating around town with her 4 year old son!