Reasons To Obtain Auto Accident Injury Treatments From Henry Chiropractic
If you have recently been in an auto accident, and you were injured, you may want to seek professional chiropractic treatments. If you are in the Pensacola area, there are many reputable chiropractors that you can call that may be able to help you with your current condition. Instead of researching each individual chiropractic clinic, you should instead contact Henry Chiropractic in Pensacola Florida. Dr. Henry will be able to help anyone that has sustained these types of injuries and is suffering pain as a result of their auto accident. Here are the reasons that you should contact Henry Chiropractic if you are looking for auto accident injury treatment options.
Why You Should Visit A Chiropractor After An Auto Accident
When most people have injuries that are sustained due to an auto accident, they often visit their local physician. These professionals will often prescribe different pharmaceutical drugs to help with the pain, but they are not able to resolve physical issues that you may be facing. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy which can address problems that you are having with your muscles, ligaments and tendons. However, you may need to go to a chiropractor to resolve spinal issues that could be affecting your neck and back. That’s why contacting a reputable business such as Henry Chiropractic will be a positive choice toward your full recovery.
Overview Of Henry Chiropractic
This chiropractic clinic will be able to help you with the pain and discomfort you may be feeling after an auto accident. They have been providing chiropractic services, especially for auto accident injuries, in the Pensacola area for quite some time. Chiropractor, Dr. Henry, has years of experience as a chiropractor and is fully certified to provide auto accident injury treatment in the Pensacola area.
Problems You May Be Facing After A Car Accident
You may be suffering from a misalignment of your spine or neck, or you may have been diagnosed with having whiplash. This is very common, even in the smallest vehicle accidents. You may be looking for a chiropractor because your mobility has been minimized, or you have been experiencing chronic pain in your neck, on your back, or other areas of your body. Dr. Henry and his team of chiropractors will be able to help you resolve the issues you are currently facing, allowing you to have some comfort even after your first treatment. He utilizes the latest chiropractic techniques, many of which are specifically used for auto accident injury treatments.
What Type Of Treatments Does He Offer?
Dr. Henry will be able to administer chiropractic adjustments to your neck, back, and spine. Spinal manipulation procedures are among the most effective when helping people that are recovering from an injury from an auto accident. It will improve your overall mobility, and help reduce the discomfort you are feeling. He may utilize different adjustments including the direct thrust technique, cervical spine manipulation, and myofascial release.
How Long Will It Take To See Results?
The speed of your recovery is always dependent upon the severity of your condition, and what procedures will be appropriate for the injuries you have sustained. Dr. Henry will do an initial evaluation of the condition of your spine and neck, and based upon his assessment, he will recommend different procedures that can lead to the most rapid recovery. He may incorporate functional techniques, indirect positional techniques, and others related to spinal mobilization. There is a multitude of different options that he will present, giving you confidence that he will be able to help you resolve your discomfort by improving your body through these chiropractic adjustments. In many cases, you may experience some immediate pain relief, whereas a full recovery may take several weeks. He will be able to determine all of this after you have made your first appointment so that he can assess your situation and begin to help you with the recovery process.
How To Set An Appointment With Henry Chiropractic
You can call Henry Chiropractic today to set an appointment. He will be able to help with the next available appointment. Based upon his assessment of your condition, he can recommend a number of treatment options, and schedule times where you can come into have these procedures done. He will be able to help you with many of the problems that you may be facing after your accident which will include whiplash, sprains, and strains. If you have a herniated disc, or if you are simply out of alignment, you will start to experience pain relief after he administers his chiropractic procedures.
If you are ready to begin your recovery process, Henry Chiropractic and his years of experience as a chiropractor will help you on your way to achieving full mobility and limiting the pain you are experiencing. Even if you have never been to a chiropractor before, he will make you feel comfortable while you are there. By making a call today, you can set an appointment with Henry Chiropractic, leading chiropractic clinic in the Pensacola Florida area that offers auto accident injury treatments.
The Pensacola Source for Auto Accident Injury Treatment
If you were recently engaged in an auto accident, don’t waste another moment. When it comes to this type of injury, time is of the essence. With the assistance of our certified chiropractic team, we’ll be able to address your discomfort at the source and eliminate the pain before it becomes any worse.
The longer you wait to be treated, the more difficult the recovery can become. Medication can provide temporary pain relief, but chiropractic care provides long-term relief. If you’ve suffered a back or neck injury, come see us. At Henry Chiropractic, we focus on the source of the pain before developing a custom treatment plan for you.
Contact Henry Chiropractic today! We’ll help you chart the perfect path toward recovery. Simply give us a call and let us help take away your pain.
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Dr. Craig Henry
Licensed Chiropractor serving Pensacola and
the surrounding communities in Florida.